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CBD Dosage For Dogs – Everything You Need To Know

CBD Dosage For Dogs – Everything You Need To Know

CBD Dosage For Dogs

If you are a health-conscious dog parent, then it is quite possible that you have thought of giving CBD oil or other CBD products to your dog. CBD is particularly popular for its many benefits for dogs, and other animals. So, if your dog is suffering from specific health conditions, or you just want to ensure their better well being, CBD is the right choice for you. 

However, for the CBD to work and show positive results, it is particularly important that you keep one thing in mind – its dosage. CBD dosage for dogs plays a major role in determining how the supplement would turn out to be.   

So if you want to know the right CBD dosage for dogs, and how to make it work effectively, then keep on reading this article and scroll down. 

How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Dog?

How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Dog

“Start with 2mg of CBD for every 10 lbs of dog weight.

For cats, start with 3mg of CBD for every 10 lbs of weight.”

If you haven’t given your dog CBD yet, but are just thinking of trying it out, we would suggest not making haste. CBD is a completely new supplement, and therefore, needs a lot of research before it is being used. CBD has a lot of important health benefits that will definitely benefit your dog. However, that is only applicable when you use the correct dose for your dog.  

Whenever you give your dog CBD products, two things should always be on the top of your priority list: 

  • Experimentation is important, so don’t be afraid of that.
  • While evaluating results, be consistent.

CBD For Dogs Dosage Cheat Sheet

 Size BreedsWeightTotal CBD
X-SmallYorkshire Terriers, Havanese, Pomeranians, Maltese, Chihuahuas, Papillons.5 lbs 10 lbs1 mg 2 mg
SmallKing Charles Spaniels, Shih Tzu, Miniature Schnauzers, Pugs, Boston Terriers, Shetland Sheepdogs.15 lbs 20 lbs 25 lbs3 mg 4 mg 5 mg
MediumFrench Bulldogs, Beagles, Bulldogs, Pembroke, Dachshunds, Siberian Huskies, Welsh Corgis, Spaniels.30 lbs 40 lbs 50 lbs6 mg 8 mg 10 mg
LargeRetrievers (Golden, Labrador), Poodles, German Shepherds, Pointers, Boxers, Australian Shepherds, Vizslas.60 lbs 75 lbs 80 lbs12 mg 15 mg 16 mg
GiantGreat Danes, Rottweilers, Newfoundlands, Mastiffs, St. Bernards, Akitas.100 lbs 150 lbs20 mg 30 mg

Which CBD Product Should I Give My Pet?

Which CBD Product Should I Give My Pet?

When you decide the type of CBD product to give to your dog, a number of factors come into play. 

These include things like your dog’s diet, needs, and preferences. All these things play a huge role in deciding which CBD product you should give to your dog. 

Once you decide the exact dose of CBD that your dog needs, you can decide which option will work best for them. It also depends on how convenient each of the alternatives are. For instance, CBD treats are very convenient options if you have a picky dog that would not necessarily like the idea of CBD oil. On the other hand, CBD oil allows you to be more experimental with the dose. At the end of the day, it all comes down to what your dog prefers best.  

With most CBD products, you will find the exact amount of CBD in each portion listed in the package. But, that is not the case when it comes to CBD oil. Hence, in that case, you would have to do some calculations to make sure that you are giving just the right amount of CBD to your dog.  

For instance, if you have a dog that weighs 50 lbs, the preferable quantity is to give them 10 milligrams of CBD twice a day. You can always change the dosage as per the needs of your dog.  

CBD Oil Or CBD “Treats”?

CBD Oil Or CBD “Treats”?

When it comes to giving CBD dosage for dogs, it always comes down to the same debate – CBD oil or CBD treats?  

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Both the alternatives have their own pros and cons. It usually depends on your dog’s preferences that which one will work the best for them.

Here is a list of all the pros and cons of CBD oils and CBD treats. So based on this, you can decide which one would work the best for your furry friend. 

Pros And Cons Of CBD Oil

Pros Of CBD OilCons Of CBD Oil
➕ The dosage are adjusted.➖ It is a bit difficult to give inside your dog’s mouth.
➕ The oil is measured with a particular dropper.➖ CBD oil takes more time to feed than CBD treats to your dog.
➕ It can be given directly to your dog’s mouth or through your food.
➕ A higher concentration of CBD, along with other terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids.
➕ CBD oil contains terpenes, phytonutrients, and cannabinoids.

Pros And Cons Of CBD Treats

Pros Of CBD TreatsCons Of CBD Treats
➕ Quick and easy to administer.➖ CBD dog treats are fixed dosages, and that doesn’t allow you to get adjust with time.
➕ CBD dosage fixed.➖ The concentration of CBD is lowered than that of CBD oil.
➕ The CBD concentration is fixed.
➕ The treats are made with flavors like bacon, peanut butter, and apple.
➕ CBD dog treats are given as a reward.

How Long Does It Take CBD To Start Working?

It doesn’t take long for CBD to effectively start working in your dog’s body.It takes about 30 to 45 minutes to start showing its effects. Compared to CBD dog treats and biscuits, CBD oil works faster and quicker. But when it comes to the effectiveness of CBD treats and CBD oil, both are just the same. 

Wrapping Up!

When it comes to CBD dosage for dogs, you need to understand that every dog is built differently. They belong from a different breed, have different body weight, and have a different metabolism. Therefore, what works best for one dog, might not be the best for another.  

So if you have decided to give your dog CBD, first determine the right dose that will work for your dog. Then you should decide on the product that you and your dog prefer the most. Now if you liked this article then give it a like and drop a comment down below. 

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