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Is Cannabidiol Illegal? CBD Legalization By State: A Complete Guide

Is Cannabidiol Illegal? CBD Legalization By State: A Complete Guide

Is Cannabidiol Illegal

The most common question that most CBD users ask is cannabidiol illegal. So, CBD is basically a compound that is found in marijuana. You may confuse CBD and THC. So, the reason you get high is THC, not CBD. Companies extract CBD from hemp or non-hemp plants. So, in this article, you will be able to learn about CBD and whether it is legal or illegal.

Let’s start.



Before coming to the details of whether it is legal or not, let’s know the basics about CBD. First, there is hemp. Hemp is basically any part of a cannabis sativa, and there is not more than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. That means there is very little possibility that you will get high. THC is the reason that people get high after marijuana intake.

If you think that CBD can not be found in weed, then you are wrong. There are gummies, capsules, and tinctures where you find CBD as well. And these products can get you high, but the effects will be a lot less. But the major factor that people are curious about is whether it is legal.

State-Wise CBD Legalization

State-Wise CBD Legalization

So, is CBD legal in all states? The answer is both yes and no. There are states where CBD is fully legalized, and there are states where…leave it, just go through the article.

There are a lot of layers and different perspectives, which makes the question hard to answer. There are different rules and regulations, and this is what makes it complicated. If we see at the federal level, CBD is legal. But when it comes to cannabis products, there are some regulations. Here is a chart that will clear everything up.

StateLegal Status (CBD)Additional Information
AlabamaConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
AlaskaFully Legal
ArizonaFully Legal
ArkansasConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
CaliforniaFully LegalCBD edibles (cannabis-derived only)
ColoradoFully Legal
ConnecticutFully Legal
DelawareConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license. The CBD market is unregulated.
District of ColumbiaFully Legal
FloridaConditionally LegalCBD oil that is derived from hemp.
GeorgiaConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license. THC can not exceed 5%.
HawaiiConditionally LegalCBD oil that is derived from hemp.
IdahoConditionally LegalAll content is legal as long as there is no THC.
IllinoisFully Legal
IndianaConditionally LegalAll content is legal as long as there is a maximum of 0.3% THC.
IowaConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
KansasConditionally LegalEvery content is legal until there is no THC. Medical CBD oil is legal, but THC doesn’t exceed 5%.
KentuckyConditionally LegalOnly CBD oil, which is derived from hemp, is legal.
LouisianaConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
MaineFully Legal
MarylandConditionally LegalCBD oil which is derived from Cannabis and licensed cannabis medical for specific conditions.
MassachusettsFully LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license. Fully legal after 21 and medical cannabis license for 18 to 20.
MichiganFully Legal
MinnesotaConditionally LegalCBD oil which is derived from Cannabis and licensed cannabis medical for specific conditions.
MississippiConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
MissouriConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
MontanaFully Legal
NebraskaConditionally LegalOnly CBD oil, which is derived from hemp, is legal. No medical cannabis at all.
NevadaFully Legal
New HampshireConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
New JerseyFully Legal
New MexicoConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
New YorkFully Legal
North CarolinaConditionally LegalLicense medical cannabis and CBD oil derived from cannabis are legal.
North DakotaConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
OhioConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
OklahomaConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
OregonFully Legal
PennsylvaniaConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
Rhode IslandConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
South CarolinaConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.9% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license. Restrictive conditions.
South DakotaConditionally LegalRecreational and Medical cannabis production and products illegal.
TennesseeConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.9% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
TexasConditionally LegalQualifying condition patients and maximum 1% THC.
UtahConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
VermontFully Legal
VirginiaFully Legal
WashingtonFully Legal
West VirginiaConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
WisconsinConditionally LegalThere are special conditions where more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil is legal in medicines with a license.
WyomingConditionally LegalCBD oil which is hemp-derived.

Final Words

So, Is cannabidiol legal? Is cannabidiol illegal?

I hope now you get the answer properly. There are states where cannabis-related everything is legal, and there are states with specific laws and regulations regarding CBD and THC. So, what you need to do is, go through the list, find your state, and read. And now you are safe to go.

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Just enjoy, and if there are any specific questions that you want to ask, let me know in the comment section below.

Thank You.

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