Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheCBDMagazine, a blog solely…
How long does CBD last in a dog?
Most dog owners who use CBD for the betterment of their dogs tend to be concerned about how long the substance stays in the dog’s system. However, there is not one objective answer to this question.
Every dog is built differently. Therefore, the effects of CBD will vary from one dog to the other. While some dogs can easily shrug off the effects of CBD, for others, the effects are long-lasting. To get the best possible results of CBD for your pets, it is important that you have a clear understanding of how its timings are related to its effects.
In this article, we shall discuss the effects of CBD and, most importantly, how long it stays in your dog’s system.
What Exactly Is CBD?

CBD, as we all know, is one of the best substances that you can introduce into your dog’s life. However, it is still very new for people. Hence, the questions are quite justified. Cannabidiol, commonly known as “CBD,” is a naturally available chemical substance that is present in the Cannabis-Sativa, or the hemp plant.
One can find it on the leaves, flowers, and stems of the plant. Many dog parents give CBD to their pets once or sometimes twice a day, depending on the needs of their dogs.
Over a thousand of these cannabinoids are available in this plant, and they can be used to improve the health as well as multiple physiological systems in the dog.
CBD is usually obtained from CBD oil, which can also be consumed as it is. The most famous products use full-spectrum or wide-spectrum formulations.
Isolate oil, a different formulation of CBD oil, on the other hand, contains only a concentrated volume of CBD oil and none of the other elements of the plant. Therefore, it cannot give the “entourage effect.”
This effect explains how each component of the cannabis plant interacts effectively together to maximize the benefits of the plant. The entourage effect can only be found in the full spectrum versions of CBD products for pets.
How Does CBD Affect Your Dog?

CBD gets combined with the systems in your dog’s body, including the ones that regulate their temperament, food, rest, and cognition, among different other body functions. CBD dog supplements are fantastic for dogs for a number of reasons:
Helps flexibility and joint: Every dog owner wishes for their dogs to be healthy, joyful, and active throughout their whole life. Pure forms of CBD reduce tissue health, reduce joint pain, and allow the dog to keep enjoying their mobility for as long as possible.
Short-term relief from any stressful conditions in their surrounding: Dogs severely suffer from anxiety and stress. A slight change in their surrounding can cause a severe degree of stress in dogs. CBD helps greatly to reduce stress and anxiety and can help the suffering dog with its relaxing properties. CBD supports the emotional equilibrium of the dog and promotes calmness and peace in dogs.
Improved gut health: CBD supplements are big supporters of tummy health. If your dog struggles with gastrointestinal issues on an everyday basis, CBD can provide much-needed temporary relief and, at the same time, preserve the natural flora of the dog’s gut.
Brain functions stay healthy: CBD edibles are great supporters of cognitive performance in dogs and offer them important lipids that control their mental alertness.
Different CBD Potency Levels For Dogs

There are multiple levels of potency when it comes to CBD products. Usually, CBD is mostly available in oil form, and there are multiple levels of potency in different oils. These potency levels somewhat define how long the CBD is going to stay in your dog’s system.
Before you administer any CBD oil dose to your dog, it is a better idea to talk to your vet first and then discuss the best options that depend on the lifestyle and medical history of your dog. This is very similar to how you would consider your vet’s opinion before you change anything in your dog’s diet.
Factors Affecting The Impact Of CBD On Your Dog

If you are aware of dog breeds, it is no surprise that dogs come in all shapes and sizes. This makes the whole thing very tricky, especially when figuring out how exactly the CBD is going to affect your dog. The size of your dog also determines how long the CBD is going to stay in the dog’s system.
However, it is not just the size. There are multiple factors that determine the amount of time that CBD is going to stay in your dog’s body.
CBD extracts are fat soluble. This means that fat cells in heavier dogs may store the CBD products for a longer time in the body.
Activity Level
If your dog is highly active, it might be able to process the CBD way more quickly than a regular lounging dog.
Food Consumption
Feeding the dog a good amount of food right at the time you give them CBD will deliberately slow down the total time it takes for its system to process the extracts. In contrast, hemp CBD helps pass through empty stomachs way quicker.
Biochemical Makeup
A dog that has a faster metabolism will easily be able to eliminate CBD from its system. Dogs having a sluggish metabolism might not be able to do so that easily.
Frequency Of Use
CBD gets stored in the body. So, if you are giving CBD to your dog very frequently, they will take a longer time to flush it out of their system. So, unless necessary, make sure not to give frequent doses of CBD to your dog as they might not be able to flush it out of their system easily.
Generally speaking, it is the current assumption that CBD stays in the dog’s system for around 24 hours. Further research is still needed to properly understand exactly how long it stays in the dog’s system.
How Long Does CBD Last In A Dog?

As dog owners, you might wonder how long CBD lasts in a dog in comparison to humans. The endocannabinoid system is an assortment of receptors that are present in the dog’s body, just as it is present in that of humans. It helps in the regulation of important functions like pain threshold, rest, immune system, and moods, along with maintaining homeostasis in the body.
CBD oils bind to these receptors in the body, helping in maintaining homeostasis, fighting pathogens, and regulating all the tasks we mentioned above. CBD oil helps in treating a number of ailments, which include epilepsy, anxiety, digestive issues, and many more.
But, when it comes to its longevity in the body, we only talk about the half-life of the substance. Half-life is the time that a substance takes to reduce down to half of what it was when it was first introduced in the body.
CBD’s half-life is roughly around four hours when it comes to the dog’s body. This means it can stay in the dog’s body for around a whole day.
However, it is important to note that even when you provide just 2 milligrams to your dog during the day and know that it will stay in their system until night, the quantity of CBD in their system by the end of the day might not be quite enough to offer them the benefits they need.
However, if you are offering CBD treatments to your dog as a part of their broader health regimen, only one dosage a day will work just fine for them. Other pets, especially the ones that are used to taking CBD oils to promote relaxation, might need a dose twice a day.
More Details
It usually takes around half an hour for any dog to feel the effects of CBD once you have given it the correct dose. The effects will possibly continue for four to six hours after they have consumed it. However, if you notice the effects only stay when you give them long doses and wear off with smaller doses, slowly increase the quantity to get the same beneficial outcomes.
“The Endocannabinoid System Of Dogs The ECS is prevalent in all mammals. It aids in the regulation of a variety of bodily functions and activities, including digestion, movement, emotion, neuro and immunological responses, and sleeping habits.”
What Are The Long-Term Consequences Of CBD Oil In Dogs?
You may be aware that every dog has a different personality, complete with likes and dislikes, idiosyncrasies, toys, food, and personal choices, among other things. Similarly, each dog and its breed is unique, and each of the characteristics might influence how long any full-spectrum CBD oil stays and remains effective in the body of your dog.
Here are some things to consider while determining how long CBD will persevere in your dog’s body:
- Your dog’s daily diet.
- Weight of your dog.
- Metabolism of your dog.
- The level of activity of your dog.
How Long Have They Been Exposed To CBD?

- The percentage of CBD in the oil: Concentrations of CBD varies from one brand to the other. You will require less oil with a high concentration to get the active benefits.
- Sublingual application: Placing just a drop right under your dog’s tongue is the fastest method while mixing it with their food is the slowest.
- Sensitivity of the dog: Some dogs are more sensitive than others. However, there is no way to find out about it till you give them CBD and keep an eye out for all the changes in their behavior or sickness as such.
- The desired results: Every goal comes with a separate active time. For instance, giving CBD to your dog to relieve their discomfort might take a significantly longer time in comparison to using it to stop a seizure in the process.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, there is no chance that your dog will get high from any CBD products that are made for dogs. The high feeling usually comes from the THC content in marijuana products. CBD oils are free from THC or contain very, very small amounts of it. Therefore, you can be assured that your dog will not get high from CBD oil made for dogs.
Hemp is the legal classification that refers to strains of a cannabis plant containing less than 0.3 percent THC. Cannabis that contains more than 0.3 percent THC is known to be marijuana. It is also popular for its use within the human recreational market.
Yes, hemp oil, at present, is legal in 50 states. However, marijuana is not legal in all 50 states as it contains a higher amount of THC. Hemp is not the same as marijuana as it contains a lower amount of THC. Both marijuana and hemp are parts of the same cannabis plant family. But hemp contains less than 0.3 percent THC but large quantities of many other effective elements, such as CBD.
There is no chance of your pet overdosing on full-spectrum CBD oils. There have been multiple types of research on the safety of CBD, along with full-spectrum hemp extracts, which guarantee its safety for use in dogs. The most common side effects of CBD oil in dogs include diarrhea or temporary lethargy.
How Long Does It Take For CBD Oils To Start Working?
Every pet and ailment is different. Therefore, the reactions will also differ depending on the dog.
If it is for situational anxiety, you will witness a change within just 15 to 30 minutes. If there are no changes within just half an hour, go for another dose. Remember, your dog cannot overdose. As every dog is different, it might require just a little bit of tweaking to find the correct amount of CBD oil for your dog or other pets.
The Bottom Line
It generally takes 30 minutes for dogs to completely experience the effects of the correct amount of CBD. However, how long CBD lasts in a dog depends on multiple factors, including the size of your dog.
However, in generalized terms, the effects of CBD may last somewhere between four to twelve hours in your dog, depending on the dosage. But it usually takes quite a bit of tweaking and shifting before you finally fix the correct dosage for your pet.
Additional Reading:
Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheCBDMagazine, a blog solely focused on CBD guides, tips, and advice. Mashum loves using CBD products and blogs at TheCBDMagazine to explore new things around CBD.