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Is CBD Oil For Cats A Viable Option? Read Now Before It Is Too Late 

Is CBD Oil For Cats A Viable Option? Read Now Before It Is Too Late 

CBD oil for cats

CBD Oil for cats is one of the weirdest and most important things I have written about. Do not worry; CBD oils will not make your cat turn into a pothead. Instead, it is a form of medication that can help your cat deal with many health concerns that can put a toll on your kitty. Scroll down to read everything that you have to know about CBD and its usage on cats.  

What Is CBD? 

Cannabidiol, or CBD, has gained immense popularity in recent times. In fact, it is now considered to be an alternate medicine for a lot of ailments. As a result, companies are spending millions of dollars to study this chemical. 

CBD is a naturally occurring chemical that can be found in the cannabis class of plants. In fact, it is one of the several chemicals that can be found in this class of plants alongside THC, CBG, etc. Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive in nature.  

However, CBD contains some unique properties that THC does not. As a result, CBD is becoming increasingly popular in the medical community.  

Is CBD Safe To Use On Cats? 

CBD is generally considered to be a safe substance for cats. However, it is only safe in a controlled setting. You need to take special care of the proper dosage and method of administration, something that is discussed later on in the article. Here are a few of the metrics or considerations that you need to know while getting the right CBD for your cat. 

  • Quality Control: You must always ensure that you procure high-quality products that have gone through several layers of quality control checks.  
  • THC Content: As a pet parent, you must only get CBd products that have a low or no THC content. You have your catnip for that. 
  • Drug interaction: Only get products that will not interact or interfere with other medication that your cat is on. 
  • Sensitivity: Do not put your cat on CBD before consulting a vet. Just make sure that your cat needs it and is not allergic to it.  
  • Legality: CBD products with less than 0.3% THC are allowed by the 2019 Farm Bill. However, the FDA has still not given approval to any CBD products for humans or animals.  

Benefits Of CBD Oil Usage On Cats 

As a pet parent, benefits and drawbacks should be two deciding factors when getting any CBd products like CBD Oil for cats. This section will deal with the benefits of CBD for your cats.  

I have broken down some of the major benefits of CBD oil into eleven sub-sections, where I will discuss things like mental health benefits, pulmonary benefits, joint-related benefits, GI benefits, etc. This would help you make a more informed decision. Here we go! 


Anxiety, depression, and stress are comparatively rarer in cats than in dogs. Unlike dogs, cats generally do not demonstrate any visual signs of mental ailments. As a result, it is difficult to identify whether your cat suffers from mental disorders.  

However, studies show that CBD helps cats in managing their stress levels. Around 70% of cats showed positive results after administering CBD. Nearly 80% of the cats demonstrated less aggressive behavior than before. Therefore, CBD was effective in helping cats manage their mental stress. 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease is relatively common in some species of cats. Therefore, keeping your cat’s tummy healthy is of utmost importance. However, studies show that products like CBD oils for cats effectively control this aspect. 

Unlike synthetic products, CBD products help maintain this in a more organic manner. Moreover, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it will reduce gut inflammation to a great extent. CBD can also help your cat deal with other ailments like fibromyalgia, migraine, IBS, etc.  


According to research, one out of five cats can contract cancer in their lifetime. Howevevr, Full-Spectrum Hemp Extracts (FSHE) and CBD oil for cats are proven to be quite helpful in dealing with these issues. These cannabis extracts contain anti-tumor properties. In fact, studies show that these extracts can work in synergy with radiation, chemotherapy, and medications. 

Furthermore, FSHE or CBD for cats can be effective in dealing with added symptoms of cancer like nausea, anxiety, oxidative stress, hair loss, infections, etc. Therefore, CBD can be super helpful. 


CBD oil for cats is remarkably popular for their anti-tumor properties. In fact, industry officials believe that it is a game changer. Research suggests that CBD oil has three properties that help it to deal with tumors.  

Firstly, CBD oil for cats prevents abnormal vascular development in tumors. It cuts the tumor from having a vascular system to sustain its growth. This inhibits the tumor from becoming malignant in nature. Secondly, CBD oil furthers apoptosis or recycling of old and dead cells. 

Viral Illness 

As per sources, FIV and herpes are very common in cats. This is primarily because cats tend to explore comparatively more than dosha. Hence, they can develop a myriad of viral illnesses. This is where CBD comes into the picture. 

As per recent studies, CBD and CBD oil for cats have antibacterial and anti-viral properties. As a result, cats on CBD dosages seem to be immune to such problems. Also, several viral diseases can disrupt your cat’s natural eating order. CBD can also help with ths by enhancing your cat’s general appetite.  


Diabetes is a very complex and challenging disease to manage. Howevevr, CBD oil for cats is believed to be one of the most effective alternative medications that work wonders. It will help your cats to manage their glycemic index, stress, and diabetes-related inflammation. 

Furthermore, studies also confirm that CBD is related to insulin formation in the blood. This means that your cat with diabetes will have some added bit of support in the shape of CBD oil. Again, do not do anything before consulting a doctor. Otherwise, things could spell doom for your cat.  

Upper Respiratory Diseases & Asthma 

Our precious little kitties are sadly very susceptible to upper respiratory diseases. In fact, it is another very common ailment that plagues most household cats. Hence, you need to maintain the air quality of your household properly. 

Subsequently, using CBD products can also prove to be helpful in dealing with ailments like asthma and other upper respiratory diseases. The anti-inflammatory properties of cbd oil will take care of congested airways and help your cats breathe more effectively. However, breathing can also be associated with genetic disorders. So, do go to the vet to confirm your doubts. 

Autoimmune Diseases 

Autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, stomatitis, pemphigus foliaceus, and hemolytic anemia are very common in cats. These diseases can become fatal if they are left unchecked. In fact, medical science is also trying to find the right solution for these diseases. 

As of now, CBD oil for cats is the most common and trusted solution to these autoimmune diseases. One such property is the immunomodulatory property of these chemicals. It can help cats deal with their autoimmune diseases and its symptoms.  

Epilepsy & Seizures 

I have already discussed how CBD oil can be used in order to help pets with seizures. Do check that out later. But for now, let me proceed with this. CBD is already being used to help humans and dogs deal with seizure episodes.  

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best cbd for dog anxiety

Back in 2003, CBD was patented as a neuroprotectant substance. The US government mandated that CBD oil for cats demonstrated better results when it was paired with epilepsy and seizure medications.  

Chronic Kidney Disease 

Chronic kidney disease, or CKD, is also a common disease that cats might experience. In fact, kidney and renal failure is definitely one of the most common diseases in the animal kingdom. It affects an animal’s nutrient retention capabilities. 

CBD, on the other hand, is known to improve metabolism. Therefore, your cat will not have a problem in absorbing nutrients. However, CBD will not help your cat heal. In fact, it will only alleviate some pain, inflammation, and metabolism. In extreme cases, your cat might have to go through specific treatment regimes.  

Drawbacks Of CBD Usage On Cats 

CBD sounds like a friend. In fact, it is a good friend, but friendships do turn sour after a while. In other words, CBD oil for cats is a great option for dealing with a myriad of problems. Howevevr, there are some tradeoffs that you have to know a little more about.   

Unlike the previous section, this section will touch upon some of the negatives of CBD oil for cats. Similarly, I have divided the whole section into four distinct sections that deal with some of the negative effects or adverse effects of CBD oil for cats. Here we go! 

Dry Mouth & Eyes 

If you are a cannabis user, you know the importance of water while consuming cannabis. CBD oil for cats has a similar effect on our furry feline. It can seep out the moisture and make cats dehydrated. As a result, they will have smelly breath and harder stool. Look for these signs, and if they do show up, reassess your cat’s CBD dosage. 

Lethargy & Drowsiness 

CBD is a potent sedative chemical. This is like a double-edged sword. It can help your cat to feel relaxed and enhance sleep patterns. But it will also seep the energy out of your cat. As a result, your cat will mostly spend its day lazing around. This, in turn, can make the cat obese.  

Low Blood Sugar 

CBD is a great substance that needs to be used in moderation. Otherwise, it can produce unpleasant results. Overshooting the CBD oil dosage for your cats might put them in more jeopardy. Overdose symptoms manifest themselves in several ways, but low blood sugar is the most common and dangerous out of all of them. So keep an eye out to see if your cat is dizzy or light-headed. So, only provide the substance in moderation. Do not overdo it, or it will not end up great for your pet.  

Gastrointestinal Problems 

Gastrointestinal issues have already been identified as one of the more common conditions that your cats might face. However, in some cases, cats might be allergic to CBD. As a result, they might demonstrate GI problems after CBD administration. Hence, put your cat through an extensive allergic testing regime in order to determine whether your cat can consume CBD safely or not.   

Proper CBD Dosage For Cats 

Medicinal CBD oil for cats is known to be helpful in dealing with several medical complications in cats. However, it is only medicinal in proper dosages. Never overshoot or undershoot the optimal amount of CBD oil for cats. Here are some of the checklists that you need to follow in order to properly administer CBD oil to cats. 

  • Visiting a vet will always allay most of your queries regarding the proper CBD dosage for your cats.  
  • If the vet is out of the picture, then you must start by weighing your cat. 
  • I personally give 1mg of CBD per Kg. For example, if my cat weighs 2.5 kg, I will administer 2.5 mg of CBD oil for cats. But that is not a standard dosage. So, do your own research. 
  • Start administering with .5 mg and then slowly lead up to a higher dosage for a safer CBD oil administration for your cat.  

The Bottom Line 

And that was all I had to talk about the subject: CBD oil for cats. While CBD is still a newer issue to deal with, it has gained immense popularity in recent times. As a result, companies are spending millions of dollars to research newer products with greater benefits. Keep following our page for more such CBD-related content. 

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