Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheCBDMagazine, a blog solely…
Are you a joint lover? Are you into the world of cannabis for a little while? Now you might be thinking of rolling a joint with an automatic joint roller. You will become a pro at rolling a joint after trying a few times.
An auto joint roller is a quite handy and small device, which you can easily carry in your pocket, and also easy to use. Just by following some easy steps, you will be able to master rolling a joint with a joint roller.
What Is An Automatic Joint Roller?
As the name suggests, it is a device one can use to roll a joint. The best thing about this device is that the joint roller kit is portable and easy to carry. So, you can get a perfectly rolled joint whenever and wherever you want to.
For a perfectly rolled joint, you just need an automatic joint roller with a joint roller box and the other substances, like a filter, joint paper, weed. If you are planning to buy an automatic joint roller, here are some of the best suggestions for you.
- King Kone Bulk Filling Machine.
- Humboldt Cone Filling Machine.
- RAW Six Shooter.
- Daycount Metal.
- Buddies Bump Box.
- RAW Adjustable.
- Powermatic Mini.
- packNpuff Cone Loader.
- Robot Crab.
The Step-by-step Guide To How To Use Joint Roller
As I have already mentioned, once you know the easy steps of rolling a perfect joint using an automatic joint roller, you will be able to enjoy a perfectly rolled joint after some tries. So, now is the time to learn how to use it.
Step 1: Grind Your Weed Before Using The

An automatic joint roller will roll the joint on your behalf, but at the same time, you have to grind your weed by yourself. Never try to roll a joint without grinding a weed, you will only end up making a huge disaster. So, make sure of it.
Though you have plenty of options when it comes to grinding a weed, the best one is using a weed grinder. These handy accessories will provide you with finely ground weed within a few seconds. You also can utilize an automatic grinder and joint roller.
Step 2: Load The Filter And Rolling Paper Into The Joint Roller

After grinding the weed, it is time to load the filter and rolling paper. The filter is the mouthpiece of the joint, which you inhale from. It not only prevents you from taking too much weed but also offers you a satisfying smoking experience.
It is not mandatory to use a filter every time you roll a joint. You also can use the pre-rolled joint cone, which comes with a filter. If you are a beginner, it will be more convenient for you.
Step 3: Fire Up The Joint Roller

Now is the time to fill up the joint rolls. But before doing that, you need to switch on the roller. And once it starts to vibrate, you need to slowly and carefully start pouring the ground weed.
This way, the weed substances will be distributed evenly throughout the roll. It might seem tempting to you to pour the weed on the surface of the multiple-joint roller machine and think that the machine will do the rest. But it is not the scene; if you want a perfect rolled joint, you need to do a little work.
Step 4: Remove Your Filled And Rolled Joints From The joint Roller

This is the last step of making a joint with an automatic joint roller. In this step, you open the lid of the automatic raw joint roller and place it below the automatic joint roller so that your rolled joints automatically pop out.
It will really help you get a steady and good grip on every pre-roll as you pluck it from the automatic joint rolling machine. After plucking those joints, give each joint a quick twist to seal it and place them in a plastic joint container or doob tube.
Step 5: Enjoy Your Joint

So, as your joint is finally ready to have the perfect puff, the time to enjoy your joint has come. Place the filter in your mouth and light the twister side of the joint. Taste heaven and get lost in your own world.
But before that, you have to ensure your capacity for smoking a joint. After the weed is ground properly, you can taste every molecule of the joint. So, this is all about rolling a joint with an automatic joint roller.
Best Joint Rollers In The Market Right Now
If you are looking for the best in the market, we suggest keeping an eye out for these joint rollers:
1. Otto Electric Joint Roller
The Otto Electric Joint Roller is one of the fanciest in the market right now. This machine looks futuristic, like a work of art. Launched by weed connoisseurs Banana Bros, this is an amazing automatic roller. In addition, this machine fills the joint automatically for you – a feature you will not find in other joint rollers.
2. RAW Automatic Rolling Box
The RAW Automatic Roller Box serves many purposes, even though it’s just one small box. You can use this box as a storage box for your weed if any leftover stuff gets left from the last session. However, you will have to ensure that you only use king-sized papers, since it does not support the use of small papers or even blunt papers.
3. RAW Joint Roller
The OG of all joint rollers, this roller is the one that started it all. Whenever someone speaks of joint rollers, this is typically the first one you are going to hear. This is because it is the first automatic joint roller RAW ever made, and is still the most used in the West.
How To Choose A Joint Roller For You
Now that you are mostly up top speed about how to use a joint roller and what are some of the best and probably the cheapest automatic rollers that money can buy. But when you go on to the internet, you will note that the products mentioned here in this article are usually out of stock. So what will you do then? Well, we got you. We have also brought a mini guide to buy a joint roller as well.
The first thing you must consider is the material of the product that you are buying. As somebody who has been a pot connoisseur for a while now. I like my roller to be durable and hefty. So, I would suggest the same to you as well. Go for a metal roller. Metal joint rollers offer durability, and since the roller has too many moving parts, you need the durability.
Value For Money
The next thing that you need to consider is the price point of the roller you are buying. There are no set rules for determining whether the product that you are buying is value for money or not unless you give it a go. But the thumb rule that I personally follow is that a roller is equivalent to a lighter.
And if you have been a user for a while now, you know what happens to lighters, right? They disappear. So if you have the money to spare for a $100 automatic joint roller and lose it six months down the line, go right ahead. But I prefer keeping my weed accessories under $50 because I tend to lose them from time to time.
We always try to come up with some reliable solutions as soon as possible. Till then, check out some of the most common questions that people ask several times. So, here are the questions with the answers.
Follow the below-mentioned simple steps for rolling a joint with a zig-zag joint roller. So, let’s have a look at the
• steps.
• Load.
• Roll.
• Paper.
• Roll.
You might have heard of the name of the Top-O-Matic cigarette machine, which was developed for king-sized or 100mm cigarettes and works really well for joins as well. This specific automatic joint roller comes with a shorter spoon, a chamber reducer, a stainless steel chamber, and also a handle to make the rolling fast and efficient.
Yes, you will get a blunt roller machine; there are several options for you. But among the not so not-so-long list, the metal blunt roller machine by Enjocho Tobacco Roller, which is used for fast cigar rollings with raw weed, is one of the best. You can get it on Amazon.
Zen roll boxes are considered quality machines for making all the differences in your cigarettes. The Zen 70mm roll box is particularly designed and made for operating smoothly and crafting the perfectly pressed cigarettes each time. In order to offer long-term uses, that too without any sticking or binding, the hinges are lubricated enough.
Final Thoughts
We smoke weed in joints for recreational and relaxation purposes. If not consumed in the right way, it can cause you to lose your mind. So, you have to ensure that in case you are smoking it for the first time, you have someone who is experienced. When you do not need to worry that much about rolling a joint with a joint roller, you will be able to enjoy your smoke more properly.
Additional Reading:
Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheCBDMagazine, a blog solely focused on CBD guides, tips, and advice. Mashum loves using CBD products and blogs at TheCBDMagazine to explore new things around CBD.