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How to Make CBD Oil? – Our Top Secret Ways [Updated 2021]

How to Make CBD Oil? – Our Top Secret Ways [Updated 2021]

How to Make CBD Oil

CBD is a chemical compound that promises to give relief from pain and anxiety, along with other ailments. However, to harness the medical benefits of cannabidiol completely through inexpensive ways, you must know how to make CBD oil at home. 

Now, you don’t need to buy any expensive equipment for CBD oil. In fact, making CBD oil is not really tough, and you can make your own in three ways:

  • Oil method
  • Ethanol method
  • CO2 extraction

Hence, if you have decided to continue with your own process, keep in mind, it takes only a few hours. CBD additives come in several forms, and all fall basically into three parts: CBD isolate, CBD-rich cannabis oil, and CBD oil. 

Understanding About CBD

After the 2008 Farm Bill passage, the legalization of CBD led to the rapid expansion of CBD products, including gummies, creams, balms, oils, etc. 

Under the NDPS act, products with high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content higher than 0.3% will fall in the category of cannabis and will be considered illegal. However, CBD products extracted from hemp are legal to buy, but hemp should be less than 0.3%. 

Using CBD is legal in the USA, India, and many other countries too, if the content does not exceed more than 0.3 percent. So, you need to keep this in mind while making CBD oil at home. 

How to Make CBD Oil?

CBD oil is used for pain-relieving effects and is considered to be a component of Marijuana. According to the reports, India is one of the biggest consumers of CBD oil. 

Knowing how to make CBD oil is necessary if you are truly willing to derive all the benefits from it. The parts of the plant, such as stems, leaves, buds, flowers, etc., will conclude the strength of the CBD oil (including the concentration of THC). 

Besides, the taste of the CBD isolate is neutral, and the oil which is dissolved in it will ascertain the taste of the ultimate product. 


  • Glass storage jar with lid
  • Coffee filter, strainer, or cheesecloth
  • Double boiler or crockpot
  • Baking tray
  • Knife
  • Scissors or blenders


  • 250 ml or 1 cup of coconut ‘MCT’ oil 
  • Cannabis plant matter – 250ml

You cannot use CBD directly because they are very strong. Therefore, a carrier oil such as coconut oil should be used. It works by eliminating the strong odor of CBD and making it useful for medicinal purposes. 

On the other hand, the final product will be completely dependent upon the duration and heating method. Also, the amount of the final product will be similar to the initial amount of oil that you have used. You need to very careful with the desired potency in the process of making CBD oil (this info will add value to how to make CBD oil). 


After collecting the above-listed equipment and ingredients, you must know the major process of making CBD oil. 

i). Decarboxylate


The initial step to making CBD oil is that you need to decarboxylate your plant matter. The method involves giving heat to CBD and other cannabinoids so that your body is suitable for them. 

Hence, you need to break the plant material with a knife or a scissor. However, you can also use a blender if necessary. Then, you need to spread all the greens on the baking tray, and you can keep it in an oven (1050 C) for about one hour. 

When you take the product from the oven after an hour, make sure it is a little crisp and dry. 

ii). Add Carrier Oil

Add Carrier Oil

As already discussed above, you need to add a carrier oil to reduce the scent of the CBD oil. The most popular carrier oil which is widely used in CBD is coconut oil.

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Mix the ultimate product with the coconut oil and stir well. Keep in mind; the mixture should be well saturated with the oil. However, the coconut oil solidifies quickly, so first, you need to warm it mildly. 

iii). Heat

Now, you need to proceed with the heating method. Pour the mixture into a bowl and let it sit over a pot of boiling water. Or, you can also use a crockpot for the same.

Heat for three hours and leave it for three hours. Then, again you need to heat it for the next three hours. Ultimately, let it cool for some hours. 

iv).  Strain And Store

Strain And Store

Here is the last step that you need to follow to make CBD oil. You need to strain the mixture via cheesecloth and compress as much as possible. You can use a coffee filter here to make the task easier. 

This step is vital to know how to make CBD oil. Now, you can store the oil in an airtight jar and keep it in a dark place. 

The Final Thoughts 

The best benefit of making CBD oil is that you can control the ingredients and their exact amount. One dosage can make a great difference in your oil, and you need to understand this beforehand. 

How to Make CBD Oil? seems to be tough, but actually, it is not! Hence, using our above-listed procedures can help you to make your own CBD oil at home efficiently.

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