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Know Your Ganja: Plants That Look Like Weed

Know Your Ganja: Plants That Look Like Weed

plants that look like weed

Cannabis is an extremely unique plant that has some unparalleled characteristics. However, the look is not one of them. Cannabis might seem iconic to cannabis aficionados, but those who dabble in plants, They will tell you that there are many plants that look like weed or share some sort of visual cues. So let us dive in and look at some plants that look like weed plants. Let’s go! 

What Does Marijuana Look Like?

What Does Marijuana Look Like

Before we can even get into the details and nuances of plants that look like weed, we need to first know what are the distinctive visual cues that set cannabis apart from most plants like Horchata, Medellin, White Widow, or Purple Haze. Since there are different strains that look very different from one another nowadays. So, we will look at some of the most common visual cues that ring true across different strains.

The most common and visually iconic part of the cannabis sativa plant is its leaves.  Generally, cannabis sativa plants have a long, slender stem with almost palm-shaped leaves. Most of the time, the leaves are serrated. In fact, the leaves of cannabis sativa plants reminisce a lot like leaves from a maple tree. 

Apart from leaves, the plant can also be identified by its intricate and chunky bud structure. These buds are then protected by tiny leaves, which are called the ‘sugar leaves.’ Once the plant reaches maturity, the hair-like pistils turn orange.

Once the plant reaches maturity, which is around the seventh or eighth week. The bud or the cannabis plant looks like it has been dipped in a translucent mixture and then frozen. This is because the trichomes that form once the plant develops trichomes. Finally, cannabis buds grow in clusters called colas, so this can help you to identify it further. 

Plants That Resemble Mary Jane

Plants That Resemble Mary Jane

Even though cannabis and marijuana are a class of plants that share very distinct qualities, there are other plants and leaves that look like weeds. The reason behind this is not our concern, so we probably will not touch upon it extensively. However, adaptability and environment do play a huge role in doing so. Keeping that in mind, let us look at some plants that look like weed. 

Scarlet Rosemallow

Scarlet Rosemallow

Scientific name Hibiscus coccineus. Also known as Texas Star, it is an elegant flower that can add character and panache to your garden. The bright red flower of the plant is the star. But today, we will be closely looking at the leaves so that you can differentiate between the two. The positioning and attachment of leaves to the stalk are identical to how cannabis plants but with a key difference. In general, Cannabis plants feature seven to nine leaves.

Meanwhile, Scarlet Rosemallow features somewhere around 5 leaves. Also, in some cases, the leaves are too slender and share no resemblance with cannabis sativae. This is a plant that primarily grew in the marshes, so it can be a perfect plant for people who have an outdoor gardening area. But in winter, you might want to bring the plant inside for better.

Southern Marigold

Southern Marigold

Scientific name Tagetes minuta. The resemblances between Southern marigolds and Cannabis sativae are certainly not uncanny. I mean, anyone with half-knowledge can identify the difference between the two plants up close. But if you are standing at a distance, this is one of those plants that look like weed buds from far. The resemblance is so uncanny that even a seasoned cannabis aficionado can make a mistake. This is an amazing plant that can thrive in an indoor as well as outdoor environment. So if you are looking for house plants that look like marijuanas, this is your guy. 



Scientific name Hibiscus cannabinus. Okay, now this is the cream of the crops of plants that look like weed. I mean, the very scientific name of the plant has the word ‘cannabinus.’ if you have some knowledge about industrial cannabis plants that are used to make paper, rope, etc., you will note the striking resemblance between the two.  The plant shares a striking resemblance to hemp plants, from seven leaves joined at the stem to serrated edges. In fact, if you do not have enough idea about cannabis, you can definitely mistake this for cannabis sativae. 

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Japanese Maple Tree

Japanese Maple Tree

Scientific name Acer palmatum. I am pretty sure you have googled ‘Japanese plant that looks like weed’ at least once if you love cannabis the way we do. I remember the first time I saw this plant, I literally had to walk back and confirm that this was not a red cannabis plant. This was mostly a wild plant that grew in the hilly areas of Japan, Korea, Mongolia, etc.

But ever since its domestication, the plant has developed different characteristics and colors that are mesmerizing to the human eyes. One factor that sets this plant apart from cannabis is its thick woody stem. But this plant only grows according to its environment. So if you want to build a terrarium, then the plant will grow accordingly and not exceed its environment.

Coral Bush

Coral Bush

Scientific name Jatropha Multifada. The plant looks every bit as exotic as it sounds. Originating originally in Mexico and the Caribbean, it has eventually become a globally available plant. Even though this is classified as a tree, Coral bush does not really grow very tall. The plant shares a striking resemblance to Indica cultivars. Furthermore, 9 leaves make the masquerade more successful. Even though this plant can be found all across the globe, it still thrives better in an equatorial climate, more than anything. 

The Final Thought

There you go, we have come to the end of our list of all the plants that look like weed. All five plants we discussed share some striking similarities to our favorite happy herb. But sadly, you will not be high by consuming them. But you can definitely use these plants to mask your cannabis. So chin up.

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