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Did You Know About These Effective Steps You Can Take If Your Dog Ate Edibles?

Did You Know About These Effective Steps You Can Take If Your Dog Ate Edibles?

dog ate edibles

Dogs are just like little curious babies. For them, everything is food, and they just want to eat it all. Dogs stealing your food is something that y’all dog owners are pretty accustomed to. 

However, this curiosity has gotten these fur babies in trouble a lot of times. It is surprising how “dog ate edibles” is one of the most common problems that dog owners have come up with.  

While it may sound funny to some people, dogs eating edibles is not really good news for dog owners. It is scary for them when their babies eat something they shouldn’t, let alone something so toxic, like marijuana edibles.  

When you know the correct steps to help your dog, it can ensure that your dog comes out of the high as safely as possible and might also prevent the situation from going completely down south.

This article will surely help you figure out what to do if your dog ate edibles and is acting in a strange manner.  

What Are Edibles?

What Are Edibles

While you might already know it, edibles are just foods that have weed in it. They are excellent solutions to anxiety and pain, prevent seizures, and help in weight management. However, there needs to be more available research to come to a conclusion about the medical benefits of edibles on the human body.  

Too much consumption of edibles might just result in a panic or an anxiety attack.  

There are multiple forms of edibles like chocolates, candies, baked goods, and beverages. There are also ready-made edibles available, like butter, brownies, oils, and ice creams.  

While many people think that edibles are indeed safer to consume than raw cannabis, there are certain side effects that are to be kept in mind.  

So, you can wonder how harmful it can be for delicate animals when it has potential side effects on humans, too. With all the delicious foods that cannabis is infused into, it has become quite difficult for dog owners to keep their dogs away from edibles.  

It is not possible to be mindful 24/7 to see what your dog is eating. But, you can definitely be aware of all the techniques that can be helpful in case your dog ate edibles.  

How Much Weed Is Toxic For Dogs?  

How Much Weed Is Toxic For Dogs

While weed or cannabis is generally considered safe for people, no amount is considered safe for your pets. Even a very small amount of cannabis can easily affect your dog. These effects, however, may vary from one dog to the other. But, you can take a breath of relief as weed is not really fatal for dogs. However, that is only for mild edibles. There have been reports of dog deaths after consuming concentrated medical-grade THC edibles.

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is a psychoactive substance present in cannabis. It is what induces the high in humans but is highly toxic to dogs. Most edibles are made with concentrated oil products that usually contain around 90 percent THC.  

So, if you have decided to buy some edibles for yourself, you need to make sure to keep them in the safest possible place so that in no way your dog can reach its paws to it.  

Are All Cannabis Toxic For Your Pets?

Are All Cannabis Toxic For Your Pets

Not every cannabis is toxic for pets. Some products that have cannabidiol in them. They are considered safe for treatments for those pets who suffer from:  

  • Pain  
  • Separation anxiety  
  • Seizures  
  • Arthritis  

However, there is only limited evidence that can prove the effectiveness of CBD for pets. At present, there are no FDA-approved cannabis products that are considered safe for veterinary use.  

What To Do If Your Dog Ate Edibles?  

What To Do If Your Dog Ate Edibles

Here are some of the most effective steps that you need to keep in mind if you think your dog ate edibles.  

Check For The Symptoms

Dogs are little fussy fur babies. Sometimes, it becomes impossible to understand if they are just acting crazy or if something is really wrong with them. If you have some weed gummies or candies lying around and suddenly cannot find them anywhere, make sure to check your dog for these symptoms to confirm the culprit.  

Loss Of Coordination

The first sign that you would want to look out for is lack of coordination. Your dog might appear a little tipsy and confused about where it is going and or while walking. This symptom, however, fades with time. So, you should check for it as soon as possible.  

Low Heart Rate

Their heart rate might drop very significantly, which might be one of the most dangerous side effects of consuming marijuana for dogs. This might turn out to be quite scary to the dog, resulting in them feeling anxious.  


Another prominent sign that your dog has consumed weed and is suffering from its toxicity is incontinence. Dogs may not have any control over their urine and might just dribble a bit while walking if they have consumed weed at all.  

Fluctuations In Their Body Temperature  

The body temperature of your dog might decrease or increase significantly without any warning if it has consumed marijuana. This can escalate to a more dangerous situation if left unmonitored for long. So, you need to rush to the emergency as soon as possible if you witness this symptom in your dog. 


Vomiting is one of the most common symptoms that your dog is suffering from weed toxicity. If your dog has vomited only once or twice, there is nothing for you to worry about. However, if it is an uncontrollable series of vomiting, you need to rush your dog to the vet. 


In very rare cases, dogs experience seizures if they consume weed. If your dog is experiencing a seizure, take him to the emergency immediately. She needs proper treatment to recover from this situation.

Contact Your Veterinarian 

The next thing that you need to do if your dog ate edibles is to contact your vet. The poor thing is already in a vulnerable condition, and you would not want to do anything that makes things difficult for them in an already difficult situation.  

When you do call your doctor, it is important that you provide them with all the necessary details like:  

  • The type of edible your dog ate  
  • The quantity consumed  
  • The THC content, if you are aware of it 
  • The symptoms of your dog  

If your dog ate weed gummies, bring the box to the veterinarian. This will give them a better idea of the quantity of cannabis your dog consumes. If you know the number of gummies your dog ate, inform them about it, too.  

Reassure Your Dog

Make sure to keep your pet calm under all circumstances. They need to remain quiet so that none of the symptoms aggravate more. The best way to keep your dog calm and composed is by finding them a nice, warm spot to rest. Try not to make a big deal out of it. You also need to remain as calm as possible, as dogs can understand your panic, and eventually, they start panicking, too.  

You can also give your dog their favortie toy, let them lie down on the bed to make sure they are as comfortable as possible.  

Keep The Dog Hydrated 

Weed can make your body go dry. The same happens in case of dogs. If your dog ate edibles, make sure they drink plenty of water from a clean pet bowl. Your dog’s body will be automatically flushing out some of the toxins, so you need to make sure they are not dehydrated throughout the process.  

It is also preferable if you do not give your dog anything to eat for a short time period. Just wait till you hear back from the vet about the safe foods you can give them in case of weed toxicity. If your dog has enough water to stay hydrated, food should not be an issue for a short amount of time. 

Treat This Situation As An Emergency 

If you check for the symptoms and find out that your dog has actually eaten edibles, seek help immediately to prevent the situation from worsening. If the vet asks you to bring your dog for an emergency treatment, rush them to the clinic as soon as possible.  

See Also
how much thc is safe for dogs

Every dog reacts to weed differently. You never know how your dog is going to react to a certain edible. Things might be more difficult for him than other dogs out there. So, it is important that you do utmost care and take all the necessary steps to save your dog from weed toxicity.  

Prevention Is Better Than Cure 

Any of these things wouldn’t happen if your dog didn’t consume edibles. So, it is your responsibility as a pet owner to ensure that such a situation never arises. Of course, there are accidents, but when you take the right measures, your dog’s chances of eating your edibles are reduced.  

The most important thing is to keep the edibles out of their reach. Keeping edibles in locked places or someplace where your dog might not easily reach is the safest thing to do if you have edibles available at home.  

How Long Till The Symptoms Come Up If Your Dog Ate Edibles?  

How Long Till The Symptoms Come Up If Your Dog Ate Edibles

If you think you will immediately get to know if your dog ate edibles, you are wrong. It takes weed about 30 to 90 minutes to show prominent symptoms after consumption. These symptoms are usually pretty mild in the beginning. But things get serious when they progressively start to worsen with time. 

In the majority of cases, it takes around 24 hours for the symptoms to completely wear off. In the case of small dogs consuming a large amount of cannabis, it might take 48 hours for them to be free of any symptoms.  

Other Risk Factors To Consider If Your Dog Ate Edibles  

Other Risk Factors To Consider If Your Dog Ate Edibles

Other than just edibles, there are other ways too in which your dog might have consumed edibles. And it is important for owners to know all the risk factors that come from each of them. So, if your dog has eaten weed in any of the below-mentioned ways, you must rush her to the vet as soon as possible.  


Edibles usually have chocolate as one of the ingredients. So, it is very understandable why your dog would want to reach out to them. If your dog consumes chocolate marijuana, they will consume a dangerous amount of chocolate laced with THC, which is indeed fatal.  

Edibles are actually one of the most dangerous things to have if you are a pet owner. So, it is better to stick to the other ways of consuming weed if you have a little fur baby living with you.  


Tinctures are heavily concentrated liquids that are mainly used for micro-dosing. They have a high content of THC in them. So, it is your responsibility to keep them as far as possible from the reach of your pets. Make sure to read the label carefully if your dog consumes a marijuana tincture. Some of them have a higher THC concentration than others.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Is marijuana consumption common in dogs?

Yes, accidental consumption of marijuana is more common than you think in dogs. This is mainly because they are not really that picky while eating. Anything that seems edible to them, they will eat. So, if they see some edibles lying around on the table, they will eat them without thinking twice.  

Can the size and breed of dog affect the effects of marijuana?  

Yes, size is one of the major factors in how marijuana will affect dogs. Small puppies tend to be more vulnerable to weed than larger ones.

How to prevent your dog from consuming marijuana?  

The best way to prevent your dog from eating marijuana is by keeping it away from their reach. Make sure to keep it in safe and secure places that your dog can never reach.  

The Bottom Line

With an increase in access to cannabis, complaints about “dog ate edibles” have become more common than ever. While there is only a rare case of it being fatal, even the smallest amount of weed can be toxic for dogs.  

If you witness any symptom of your dog eating edibles, immediately rush them to the vet. Do not treat it lightly, as you have no idea how it might turn out for your dog.  

Keep them as hydrated as possible and refrain from giving any food till the vet advises you to do so.

Additional Reading:

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