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Demystifying The Mechanics: How Does A Bong Work?

Demystifying The Mechanics: How Does A Bong Work?

how does a bong work

Smoking has been a passion for humans for a very long time now. One of the oldest bongs in history is dated back to 400 BC. Therefore, humans have been smoking bongs even before modern religions were formed. So, we decided to dedicate this article to all the bongs around the world and see how they made the journey. In order to answer the question, “how does a bong work.” Or, more specifically, how does a water bong work? So let us dive right in! 

History Of Bong

History Of Bong

The glass bongs that we use in today’s world are said to have evolved from bamboo round wooden bongs. It is believed that the bong was one of the first smoking apparatus that human beings smoked out of. The very word bong is said to have been derived from the Thai word “baung.” This word loosely translates to a cylindrical hollow wooden tube.  

In a bong, water is used in order to cool down a tuft of smoke. However, this is an age-old technique. This technique can be traced back to China’s Ming Dynasty. 

Africa, too played a significant part in the developmental process of bongs. Often, tribal men and women would make earthen bongs fixed to the grounds. Like their Asian counterparts, African bongs use a similar technique, using water to cool down the smoke. 

In fact, in Russia, there was supposedly a nomadic race of people who used bongs made of pure gold. So it is evident that bongs have been widely used smoking apparatus since time immemorial. 

In spirit, a bong resembles a hookah. Therefore, to know how does a bong work, we need to understand the basic mechanics of a hookah

If you look at old-school bongs, they have a simple mechanism. However, as human beings and society progressed, the design started becoming more and more complex. Nowadays, there are premium bongs made of glass that are pure works of art and can go upto $2000 in an auction. Artists and glass bowlers have added different shades of colors, unique shapes, etc. 

Apart from glass, bongs come in different materials like wood, bamboo, plastic, ceramics, etc. Therefore, getting a perfect bong is not at all a hassle. However, we over here would suggest that you stay away from plastic options. When a bong gets heated up, it usually tends to melt the plastic a little, and subsequently, it releases a harmful gas that can increase the carcinogenic content of the smoke. 

Different Parts

Different Parts

Earlier on, bongs were very simple. The general mechanism of the bong was simple. However, over time, the components of the bong started becoming more and more complex. As a result, it became imperative for a person to know the different component of a bong in order to know how does a bong work:



One of the more identifiable parts of any bong. The tube is the chamber where the smoke gets stored after lighting up the weed and before inhaling the smoke. The smoke stored here is filtered and cooled down by the water. Therefore, it makes it easy for the smoker to inhale the smoke. 



The bowl is where you put your weed. It looks absolutely like a  bowl that has a stem attached to it. This is where your weed sits. You put the weed in the bowl and use a lighter to light it up. There is an internal divot that allows the smoker to light it up. 



This is the stem that is attached to the bowl and goes under the water level. Some bongs might have specified downstream that can do more than just connect the bowl and the chamber or tube. This tube is the most important thing as it helps in inhaling the smoke when you light it up.

Moreover, it is also important to keep cleaning this downstem from time to time, as it can be blocked by the tar from all the smoke. Therefore, using vinegar and water solution to clean the bong can be the best thing for you. 


This is an optional component of bongs; this is primarily found on plastic or wooden carved bongs. A carb is a small hole in the chamber of the bong that is placed conveniently where your thumb rests. Using a carb hole is quite easy and takes a small rhythm to get the hang of. While there is some weed in the bowl, you need to keep your thumb over that hole.

Blocking any sort of leakage. However, as soon as you see your bowl is empty, and there is still smoke in the chamber, just remove the thumb and inhale whatever is left in the bowl. Releasing the thumb allows the air to flow in through the hole and push the smoke to your lungs.



To put it simply, this is the part that holds the water for cooling down the smoke. Generally, this part is shaped like a beaker. However, there are some variations that are present in the market. This is the biggest and second most integral part of the bong.

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Therefore, you need to keep this part of the bong crystal clear. As suggested earlier, using vinegar mixed with water can definitely help you clean your bong. Subsequently, the best process of cleaning your bong is by soaking it overnight in the solution mentioned. Then once the gunk is loose from the body, use regular tap water to rinse it off. 

How Do The Bongs Work

How Do The Bongs Work

Now that you are well-versed with the overall components of a bong, we think that it is time for you to know “how does a bong work science.” Or, in other words, the science behind how a bong functions. 

Bongs come in all shapes and sizes. While some bongs have a simple mechanism of a bowl and a tube connected by a downstem. While others are more complex and use gravity or physics to their advantage. But, in the end, they do just the same thing. 

The weed is lit in a bowl, and the smoke generates and passes through the downstem and into the bowl. The bowl is filled with water which filters and cools down the smoke. Therefore, this is basically how water bongs generally work. 


In summation, you know everything about how does a bong work. Now, one thing you have to remember while smoking a bong, you can only inhale. If you, by any chance, blowback or exhale, then the water would travel via the same pipe that connects the bowl to the base.

And, after that, the whole bowl of weed would be just wasted. So always inhale. Also, nobody would judge you if you cannot finish the whole bowl in one rip. It might seem like a big thing to do, but trust us when we say that a bong choke is something you want to avoid. So use the bong carefully and responsibly. 

Additional Reading:

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