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Joint vs Blunt. Who Will Win?

Joint vs Blunt. Who Will Win?

joint vs blunt

Joint vs Blunt is like a battle of the ancient gods. While one is known for its reliability. The other one is about authenticity. In this article, we will look at some of the key differences and points that will help you assess which one is better. Stick around to know more. 

Types Of Weed Rolls

Types Of Weed Rolls

Cannabis is one of the most versatile substances out there. It can be consumed in several different ways, such as edibles, bongs, and rolling paper. I personally love consuming cannabis using rolling paper. Hence, I thought of writing a piece about joint vs blunt. But first, we need to get our basics right. 

Before we can even start analyzing between joints and blunts, we need to look at some of the most popular types of cannabis rolls so that you can make a choice for yourself. Here are some of the most common types of weed rolls:

  • Basic joint: It is the subject of our discussion and is the most popular form of cannabis roll.
  • Tulip Joint: It is like a basic joint but is shaped like a tulip. It’s a weird yet creative way to consume your cannabis.
  • Fatty: This is just a fat variation of a normal joint. But since it is fat, it hits absolutely differently.
  • Cone Joint: This form of joint has a tight base along with a flayed top. Even though every joint is a cone, this one goes a little OTT. 
  • Spliff: A smaller joint that is filled with some tobacco to add some flavor and cost-cutting. 
  • Cross Joint: Holiest of the Hoply Joints out there. This joint literally looks like a cross and has three lightable heads.  
  • Blunts: The most premium form of rollables. This is our second guest of honor and will be analyzed extensively. 

Read Also: Joint-Rolling Machine Vs. Hand Rolling: Which Is Better?

A Joint’s Anatomy

A Joint’s Anatomy

Understanding a Joint’s anatomy is very important for a joint vs blunt conversation. So, what is a joint? Grounded cannabis rolled up with paper is the simple answer. It is the most convenient and discreet method for consuming cannabis. 

How To Roll One?

Currently, rolling a joint is one of the easiest things to do, thanks to devices like grinders, rollers, pre-rolling cones, etc. But today, we will go the old-school way and only use our hands to learn how to roll a joint

  • Grind up the cannabis buds into a powder. Use your fingers to break the big buds into smaller chunks, and then use the palm of your hands to grind it up into a fine powder. 
  • Once you are done, take out the seeds and branches from the powdered cannabis mix. 
  • Take a piece of rolling paper and a roach. A roach is a small piece of cardboard at the end of the joint that helps in inhaling the smoke and works as a filter. 
  • Place your cannabis mix in the center of the paper and roll it up into a roll. Pack the cannabis tightly but not too tight. 
  • Lick the glue and roll up the paper nicely. Voila! You are ready to blast off. 

A Blunt’s Anatomy

A Blunt’s Anatomy

A Blunt, on the other hand, shares some basic proponents with a joint. However, a Blunt is meant for a more curated cannabis experience. While a rolling paper is used in order to roll a joint. A blunt is only wrapped using tobacco or hemp wraps. As a result, the experience is richer in some sense.

How To Roll One?

Rolling a Blunt might be a little trickier than rolling a joint, but I am here to help you. Again, we are not going to use any equipment in order to keep the experience authentic. Here are some of the most common methods of rolling a Blunt

The first two steps of rolling a joint apply to rolling a blunt as well. However, now you have to prepare the wrap as well. Take a knife and cut out a rectangular piece of wrap. 

Sprinkle some water onto the wrap so it becomes a little malleable. Fill your wrap as you fill your rolling paper. Lick the edges and light it up. 

The Key Differences At A Glance

The Key Differences At A Glance

Already, you can understand that there are several key differences between a joint and a blunt. Still, In this section of our joints vs blunts discussion, we will look at some more differences to assess which one is better for you. 

The Material

The primary difference between a joint and a blunt is the very material that is used in order to roll the weed. In a joint, you need to use rolling paper, while a blunt is rolled using tobacco wraps. As a result, a blunt has a thicker and more intense flavor than a joint. 

See Also
bud rot

The Size

The size of the two weed rolls is another point where these two rolls differ. Joints and blunts do not adhere to any fixed dimensions. However, a blunt is usually thicker and longer compared to a joint. A general rule of thumb is that an eighth of weed can roll two to three good blunts. 

The Rolling

When it comes to rolling, a blunt is usually more difficult to roll than a joint. Before you can even start rolling a joint, you need to understand that you need to prepare the wrap. Try sprinkling some water in order to make the wrap more malleable. However, be sure not to overwater or oversoak the wrap in any way. This will interfere with the structural integrity of the roll. 

The Health Effects

A joint and a blunt differ at a single point. A joint uses a rolling paper, while a blunt uses a tobacco wrap. It is scientifically proven that tobacco furthers dependency. Hence, blunt can prove detrimental to the health a tad bit more. 

And That Is A Wrap

With that, we have reached the very end of our discussion on Joints vs Blunts. While Blunts might prove to be a little more curated experience, joints are much more reliable. They are easy to make and are very low maintenance. So, I would prefer Joints all day, every day.

Additional Reading:

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