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Top 10 Best Homemade Bongs: Getting Your Smoke On With Style

Top 10 Best Homemade Bongs: Getting Your Smoke On With Style

Best Homemade Bongs

Jonesing on marijuana is common for individuals of every age. It unites people in all true sense, right? And, for all those people crushing the weed, stuffing it on a rolling paper, and taking a drag of your joint can be tedious and strenuous sometimes. 

That’s why we look up to bongs. Now, we don’t always need professional bong equipment to make things fun. But, add a tiny pinch of creativity, and you will have quirky ideas for preparing your homemade bongs all ready in front of you.

How Do Bongs Work?

It’s better to start from the start. A bong is a filtering device that people use to smoke cannabis, marijuana, or other herbal stuff. If some of you are not yet familiar with the concept of the bong, you must get on board. It gives you a better feeling of doping weed than rolling it on a joint. Sometimes you get direct heat from the joint that makes you cough. In bong, however, the water base eliminates the heat to have a better smoke.

Even if your weed contains some contaminants, it will be all filtered out in a bong. We are not recommending that you smoke as much weed as you want from bongs because they don’t feel rough on your lungs. But, that’s not the case here. Whether you smoke a joint or a bong, it’s still smoke that is filling up your lungs. So, if you don’t smoke, don’t think smoking weed on bongs is safer for your health. They are not so, make your own decision carefully.

Enough with the serious part. Now, all the junk heads fasten your seatbelt to get some perfect ideas for homemade bongs.

1: Fruit Lovers, Be Excited !!!

Fruit Bongs

Fruits like apples, pumpkins, watermelon, or anything else can be your go-to option for homemade bongs. You only need to hollow the inside of the fruit so that the smoke can travel back and forth. Make one hole at the top so that it serves as your mouthpiece. Make another hole at the bottom so that it serves as a bowl. If you don’t want to place your mouth on the fruit directly, you can have a carrot to help you as a pipe. Make the carrot hollow like you did with the other fruit, and put it a little inside your watermelon or pineapple to suck the smoke from there.

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2: It’s Cold Inside And Outside

Ice Bong

A trending idea for homemade bongs is ice bong. Just imagine a bong that is entirely made of ice. So cool, isn’t it? All the junk heads have found some cool stuff for us to work on with their crazy obsession over weed. The water will be built inside the ice bong as it will start melting as soon as you make the ice sculpture. You have to suck directly from the top of the ice bong itself because it won’t last long for obvious reasons.

3: Take Weed Into The Wild

Bamboo Bongs

Bamboo bongs are very cool if you stay in a place where bamboo grows wild. Just use a saw and a drill to cut a piece of your bamboo plant and make it perfect for your smoking session. You will need a pot to place at the bottom of the bamboo because you can’t serve it as a bowl and a pipe. Just cut the bamboo, drill the downstem hole, clean it, coat it with wax, seal, and enjoy. It is one hundred percent natural. Since weed is a plant that grows in the wild, it’s better to mix one plant with another and indulge the jungle child inside you.

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4: Pocket Bongs Are Great As Travel Companions

Pocket Bongs

If you have a Tic Tac container, don’t throw it. It will be the next hit at your party because this on-the-go homemade bong is sensational. You already have a hold on top of the container. Now, you just need to drill a hole beneath it so that the smoke can travel downwards. Next, you can use aluminum foil or glass, or a bowl to add the downstem. Now, add some water to the base, and open the container’s lid to serve as your mouthpiece. The best thing about this little bong is, you can carry it anywhere.

5: Art And Artists Should Get High Together

Artistic Bongs

Our next idea of homemade bongs involves an art sculpture, like a mannequin. The dummy’s mouth will be your mouthpiece, so it will be kind of horny for others when they see you inhaling smoke from it. It will look as if you are making out with the statue, so choose the mannequin carefully. You don’t need instructions anymore if you are thinking of even making it because it is as simple as a glass bong.

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6: Lego Is Not For Kids Anymore

Lego Bongs

The plastic building blocks are a sensational idea for making homemade bongs. Create a building of your lego toys, and you can make them as tall as you feel like. There is no restriction on ut at all. The taller it looks, the cooler it makes you look in front of your buddies. But, don’t ignore the comfort and convenience because we don’t want anybody to get hurt while smoking now. Just cut some windows at the back of the building block, and make a hole at the bottom. As much as we agree that it is an excellent idea for a homemade bong, inhaling the smoke might be challenging, so cut the window carefully.

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7: Gravity Bongs Are Still Trending

Gravity Bongs

It is the easiest of them all because we probably all know how to make it. A basin, a container, a water bottle, and a socket; that’s everything you need to create this homemade bong. Burn the middle of your bottle cap, and push a socket through it to make it serve as your pipe. Next, cut the below of your water bottle, and put it on your basin. Once your basin is filled with water, it will make the bottle finally put. Put the marijuana inside the socket, remove the cap, and inhale the smoke.

8: It’s Time To Make The Tupperware Work

Tupperware is readily available, nothing expensive, nothing too much of a use to us, and they are also easy to modify. So, why not make them into homemade bongs? Cutting some holes in different parts of your Tupperware won’t be too hard for you. The best part of the Tupperware bong is that it is airtight, so there is zero chance of your smoke leaking from it. So, even if you need to break because you are tired of smoking, take your time, and come back. Your Tupperware bong will hold the smoke right for you.

9: A Soda Can Is Never A Waste

Soda Can Bongs

All you need is a sod can and a poker-like pin, keys, or knife to make this excellent homemade First poke. Poke a hole in the soda can, preferably towards the bottom. Don’t make the spot jagged around the edges of the can. Now, it’s time for you to indent the can around that hole you made so that you can create a bowl for the weed. Next, make another hole on the other side of the can that will serve as your mouthpiece. Now, light up the smoke, and lie down because this is the most enjoyable and most accessible one out there.

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10: Get High During Bike Rides

This is a difficult one to make, and that is why we have ranked it last on our list of homemade bongs. First, you need to cut the hose so that a bowl and brass pipe can enter that area. Now, add it with your helmet. The rest of the steps are the same for your other bong ideas. This bong indeed looks fantastic and gives you a constant feeling of high even when you ride the bike. But, we don’t think it is an excellent idea to keep on getting high with your exhaled smoke. And, also it will make you stink with the smell of weed so avoid this mask if you plan to go somewhere public.

The Bottom Line

All the junk heads out there might be getting the right idea for their upcoming house parties with these cool and easy homemade bong ideas. Now, as much as we enjoy giving you these fantastic ideas, we also don’t endorse regular smoking. These ideas are suitable for an occasional hit but avoid them using them n your everyday life. Live healthily, and smoke healthy- that’s our motto. So, if these bong ideas inspire you, try making them in your home but maintain all the safety precautions to avoid any kind of accident. 

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